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Lightning Network FAQ

What are the differences between “public” and “private” channels? blog

What are the differences between “public” and “private” channels?

A payment channel is a mechanism that enables the establishment a financial relationship between two nodes on the Lightning Network. These nodes are referred to as channel partners...

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What is Onion Routing & How does it work? blog

What is Onion Routing & How does it work?

Onion routing is a technology that precedes the invention of the Lightning Network by 25 years. It’s also used in Tor, hence its name: “The Onion Router”....

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The Ultimate Lightning Network Privacy Explainer blog

The Ultimate Lightning Network Privacy Explainer

In this piece, we’ll go through how private the lighting network is and what kind of heuristics or attacks can be put to use to de-anonymize users....

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What are Blinded Paths and How do they Work? blog

What are Blinded Paths and How do they Work?

Learn how blinded paths operate within the context of the lightning network. This breakdown makes it simple to understand how privacy on Lightning is advancing....

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What do Open-Channel Transactions Look Like On-Chain? blog

What do Open-Channel Transactions Look Like On-Chain?

Lightning Network FAQ

A lightning channel funding transaction, commonly called an “open-channel transaction”, is a transaction that is used to open a payment channel on the lightning network. It anchors the...

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What are Negative Fees and how Does it Affect the Lightning Network? blog

What are Negative Fees and how Does it Affect the Lightning Network?

Learn about negative fees and how they impact the lightning network. Negative fees allow a node to pay to forward a payment instead of charging to forward a...

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Where Does the Yield Come From? preview

Where Does the Yield Come From?

The age old question. Where does the yield come from? Lorenzo breaks that down for us. #LightningNetwork...

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How does an HTLC work? blog

How does an HTLC work?

For the lightning network to thrive, it needs a secure, trustless method to conduct off-chain transactions. It must ensure these transactions are valid, secure, and can be routed...

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Lightning Privacy for Beginners blog

Lightning Privacy for Beginners

The goal of this blog is to educate on what common actions may inadvertently disclose information that you may otherwise not want to be known. ...

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Why do Lightning nodes need inbound and outbound liquidity? blog

Why do Lightning nodes need inbound and outbound liquidity?

There are two possible ways of answering this question: with a brief and general answer or with a detailed and elaborated one. Let’s go through the general answer...

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What are the differences between LND and CLN? blog

What are the differences between LND and CLN?

The Lightning Network protocol is formalized in specification documents called BOLTs (Basis of Lightning Technologies). All organizations that maintain Lightning Network node implementations must follow the specifications described...

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What is Lightning Network Capacity blog

What is Lightning Network Capacity

Bitcoin’s Lightning network operates on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. For layer 2 to function and deliver global, instant, and zero-fee transactions, nodes must join the network and...

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