Why Exchanges and Neobanks are choosing Voltage for Lightning over DIY

Why Exchanges and Neobanks are choosing Voltage for Lightning over DIY

Bobby Shell
Bobby Shell

October 3, 2024

At Voltage, we’ve seen Bitcoin’s Lightning Network emerge as the go-to solution for scalable, instant payments for exchanges, neo-banks and fintech innovative organizations. Today, these enterprises face a crucial decision: Should they partner with a trusted Lightning Payments Provider (LPP) like Voltage or invest in building and maintaining their own DIY Lightning infrastructure? This choice is pivotal for businesses aiming to offer faster settlements and reduced fees. Voltage’s infrastructure offers near-instant settlement and minimal fees without the need for costly in-house Lightning engineering teams.

As the leading LPP, Voltage is backed by visionaries and trusted by industry leaders, offering a high-quality, cost-effective solution. We handle the complexities of managing infrastructure, ensuring uptime, liquidity, and security, allowing financial institutions to focus on delivering seamless payment experiences. With Voltage, businesses can minimize operational costs while providing their customers with faster, more efficient services—helping them experience instant settlement while no longer experiencing high fees.

Before we dive in, if you already know your on-chain volume, we can help you calculate and estimate the savings you can generate yearly. You can learn more and book a call here.

Now, let’s dive in to the comparison between DIY lightning and Voltage’s Lightning Payments Provider, starting with DIY.

DIY Lightning Setup: Complex, Costly, and Resource-Intensive

While a DIY Lightning setup offers complete control over infrastructure, it comes with substantial technical and financial challenges. Managing Lightning's infrastructure, security, and liquidity aspects is far from simple, requiring dedicated teams and continuous oversight.

Let’s break down the main components of a DIY Lightning setup:

Infrastructure Setup and Configuration: A Complex Foundation for DIY

A key aspect of setting up a DIY Lightning infrastructure is procuring and configuring the hardware necessary for a robust, reliable network. This involves:

  • High-performance server hardware: You need machines capable of handling constant uptime, high throughput, and multiple nodes. This is essential for redundancy and maintaining uptime resilience.
  • Multiple nodes for redundancy: To ensure reliability and prevent downtime, businesses typically set up several nodes. Each node must be manually managed, monitored, and maintained for operational stability.
  • Secure node access systems: Node access needs to be protected, so businesses must implement strong, secure access protocols that prevent unauthorized users from interacting with the critical infrastructure.

Without the advantage of cloud-based infrastructure, a DIY approach lacks the built-in resilience that cloud systems provide. This means businesses must manually monitor hardware, leading to increased labor costs and resources.

Voltage, on the other hand, simplifies this process by allowing businesses to launch nodes through the cloud with ease. Voltage nodes come with built-in uptime resilience and redundancy, removing the need to set up or monitor physical hardware. Node creation takes minutes, and maintenance is handled in the background, ensuring businesses can focus on operations rather than infrastructure setup.

Network Configuration and Channel Management: Time-Intensive and Burdensome for DIY

After the hardware setup is complete, the next step in the DIY process is configuring the network and Lightning channels. Key tasks include:

  • Establishing connections to Bitcoin full nodes: This is necessary to ensure the Lightning network can interact with the Bitcoin blockchain. Full nodes require syncing with the blockchain, which can be resource-intensive and time-consuming.
  • Configuring Lightning channels: Setting up channels with optimal liquidity and capacity is crucial to ensure smooth transaction flows. To handle transactions efficiently, these channels must be balanced between inbound and outbound liquidity.
  • Automated channel rebalancing: One of the most challenging aspects is managing liquidity and ensuring channels are balanced in real time. This requires custom scripts or software to manage rebalancing, especially during peak transaction times. Businesses need to dedicate engineering resources to constantly monitor liquidity and perform rebalancing operations, which can be a complex and manual process.

With Voltage, much of this network configuration is simplified. Automated channel management ensures liquidity is efficiently balanced without the need for custom scripts or constant oversight. Voltage provides tools that optimize channels, routing fees, and liquidity without requiring the business to manage these aspects actively.

Security Implementation: Essential for DIY Lightning

Running a DIY Lightning setup involves substantial responsibility for security. Protecting the node from external threats is paramount as the network handles real financial transactions. A robust security infrastructure must be put in place, including:

  • Design and deployment of security protocols: You need to establish strong encryption and security measures to protect both the node and the financial data passing through it. This includes firewall management, endpoint protection, and ensuring the integrity of data at rest and in transit.
  • Access control management: Administrators must implement strict access control measures to limit node access only to authorized personnel. This reduces the risk of breaches due to compromised access points.
  • Regular security audits and penetration testing: A comprehensive DIY approach requires regular auditing to identify potential vulnerabilities. Regular penetration testing is essential to identify weaknesses before they are exploited.

In comparison, Voltage handles these complex security implementations on your behalf, ensuring all your security needs are met, without the extensive labor and ongoing oversight required by a DIY setup. Learn about Voltage’s SOC2 Type II compliance standards.

Monitoring and Maintenance: 24/7 Oversight

For a DIY setup, businesses need to create:

  • 24/7 monitoring systems for node health, performance, and potential security risks.
  • Alert systems to notify operators of issues like channel imbalances, network failures, or potential attacks.

This requires setting up in-house monitoring tools and employing a dedicated team to provide round-the-clock incident response in a DIY environment. If your infrastructure faces downtime, this could lead to missed transactions and a loss of funds.

Voltage, on the other hand, offers integrated monitoring and maintenance services, ensuring that your nodes are consistently available and functioning at optimal performance without needing your team to manage these processes manually.

Compliance and Regulatory Adherence: A Constantly Shifting Challenge

When operating in various jurisdictions, businesses must comply with local and international regulations. A DIY setup means that you’re responsible for:

  • Researching and implementing compliance measures for all regions you operate in.
  • Staying updated with evolving regulations to avoid fines or legal complications.
  • Maintaining proper documentation for audits and regulatory reporting.

This can be an overwhelming task, particularly for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions. With Voltage, a significant portion of the regulatory burden is managed through their infrastructure, as their platform already complies with most major jurisdictions' legal frameworks. This ensures your business can focus on operations, not compliance headaches.

Performance Optimization: An Ongoing Task

A DIY Lightning setup involves continuously optimizing your network to maintain peak efficiency. This includes:

  • Analyzing and improving routing efficiency to ensure that transactions are processed as quickly as possible.
  • Optimizing fee strategies to strike a balance between competitiveness and profitability.
  • Regularly upgrading software to leverage the latest Lightning protocol improvements.

All of these tasks require dedicated personnel, significant technical expertise, and constant oversight. Voltage, however, automates much of this work. Regular software updates and performance tuning are handled on your behalf, ensuring your Lightning node remains competitive without the need for constant internal effort.

Integration and API Development: Building the Necessary Infrastructure

For companies running their own Lightning infrastructure, they must develop and maintain APIs for integrating Lightning with their own systems. This includes:

  • Developing robust APIs to ensure seamless integration with existing software, payment gateways, and customer platforms.
  • Ensuring compatibility with various Lightning wallets, services, and APIs.

With Voltage, much of this development work is already completed, thanks to their LND Node API and suite of integration tools. This allows businesses to quickly integrate Lightning into their existing systems without building custom APIs from scratch.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparation for the Worst

A critical component of a DIY Lightning setup is developing a comprehensive disaster recovery plan. This involves:

  • Comprehensive backup solutions for channel states and node data to prevent data loss in the event of a failure.
  • Testing recovery procedures regularly to ensure your business can quickly resume operations following an incident.

Voltage simplifies this process by offering encrypted data backups, ensuring that even in the worst-case scenario, your data is secure and recoverable. This eliminates the need for businesses to develop and maintain their own backup infrastructure.

Ongoing Costs and Resource Allocation: A Significant Investment

Running a DIY Lightning setup requires a substantial ongoing investment. Costs can range between $250,000 and $400,000, covering hardware, software, personnel, maintenance, security, and compliance. Additionally, businesses must:

  • Allocate budgets for hardware and software purchases, upgrades, and replacements.
  • Hire dedicated engineering teams to manage the continuous development and maintenance of the Lightning infrastructure.
  • Security and Audits: Design and update protocols. Conduct ongoing security audits, and develop access control systems.
  • Compliance: Research and implement compliance measures, update legal and operational practices to meet regulatory frameworks, and keep detailed documentation ensuring transparency and adherence to local and global standards.

In comparison, Voltage offers a cost-effective alternative, significantly lowering upfront costs by providing cloud-based infrastructure, lighting network engineering experts, and the security and compliance tools needed. Businesses can leverage their services without the substantial capital expenditures required for a DIY setup.

Voltage Lightning Setup: Streamlined, Secure, and Scalable

At Voltage, we offer a fully managed Lightning Network payments infrastructure, designed to make your nodes' deployment, operation, and maintenance seamless. We eliminate the technical complexities for enterprises seeking to integrate Lightning payments, from node management and liquidity balancing to robust security protocols. With Voltage, you get the peace of mind with minimal downtime, reliable performance, and optimized resource allocation. We handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on delivering fast, low-cost payments and scaling your business without worrying about the technical burdens.

Easy Node Deployment

One of Voltage’s key strengths is the simplicity of deploying Lightning Network nodes. With Voltage, you can quickly spin up a Lightning node through an intuitive, user-friendly interface that removes the typical technical hurdles. This drastically reduces barriers to entry, allowing businesses to get started in just minutes.

As outlined in our Getting Started Guide, the deployment process is incredibly straightforward. Businesses can set up a fully functional Lightning node with just a few clicks, requiring no deep technical expertise in Bitcoin or Lightning. This seamless deployment is ideal for enterprises looking to integrate Lightning quickly, without dedicating large amounts of time or technical resources to node management.

Automated Maintenance and Upgrades

At Voltage, we ensure your Lightning node is always running smoothly by automating all maintenance and software upgrades. Our platform consistently rolls out updates that align with the latest Lightning and Bitcoin Core protocols, taking care of bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements. This means you don’t have to worry about manual upgrades or monitoring for protocol changes—our system does it for you, keeping your nodes efficient and secure.

With a DIY setup, every upgrade would require manual intervention, bringing with it operational risks and potential downtime. Voltage takes this burden off your shoulders so you can focus on growing your business.

Resilient Uptime and High Availability

At the heart of Voltage’s service is our commitment to uptime resilience and availability. Our managed nodes benefit from robust cloud infrastructure, ensuring continuous availability with minimal downtime. You’ll never miss a transaction due to local outages or hardware issues. Our cloud-based redundancy protects your business from interruptions that could otherwise affect on-premises or self-hosted nodes.

In contrast, a DIY setup requires constant monitoring for hardware failures or latency issues—challenges that can become overwhelming without the right resources in place.

Developer Tools and Support

Voltage offers an extensive suite of developer tools to empower your team, including MutinyNet, our sandbox environment for experimenting with Lightning features. Developers can rapidly test new ideas and iterate without risking real funds. Whether you’re exploring new use cases or fine-tuning your application, our tools ensure smooth Lightning integration.

Additionally, our LND Node API simplifies node interaction, allowing businesses to quickly incorporate Lightning into their platforms without developing custom APIs. This not only streamlines your process but significantly reduces time-to-market.

Encrypted Data Backups and Security

We know that security is a top priority for businesses. That’s why Voltage provides encrypted data backups for every node, ensuring your critical information is always protected and recoverable in case of any issues, such as hardware failure or accidental data loss. DIY setups often struggle with data redundancy and adequate security infrastructure, exposing them to greater risk.

At Voltage, we’ve built security into every layer of our platform, offering access control mechanisms, multi-level encryption, and protection against common attack vectors—all designed to keep your node and your business safe.

Conclusion: Voltage vs. DIY Lightning Setup

While a DIY Lightning setup provides full control over every aspect of the infrastructure, it comes with high costs, significant complexity, and continuous management challenges. From infrastructure setup and security protocols to regulatory compliance and disaster recovery, the DIY path requires significant resources.

Voltage, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive, secure, and scalable platform that simplifies Lightning integration. Businesses can deploy nodes, manage liquidity, and maintain uptime without dedicating extensive resources to the process. For most enterprises, Voltage offers an efficient, cost-effective solution that removes the burdens of running a DIY Lightning setup, allowing them to focus on growth and innovation.

To get a demo of the Voltage Lightning Payments Platform, you can book a time here.

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