Voltage Provides Free Nodes at ShellHacks, Florida’s Largest Hackathon

Voltage Provides Free Nodes at ShellHacks, Florida’s Largest Hackathon

Bobby Shell
Bobby Shell

September 23, 2021

We are excited to partner and support our friends at Okcoin, Co-Hosts at this year’s ShellHacks, Florida’s biggest Hackathon. We are going to be providing free nodes to everyone participating in the Lightning Network Challenge. (read more here).

ShellHacks is a virtual event that will be taking place from September 24th - 26th. This 36-hour hackathon begins at 6 pm on Friday and ends at 2 pm Sunday. There is no cost to participate!

This Hackathon covers a myriad of learning tracks from Web & Mobile Development, AI, Game Development, IT & Cybersecurity, Hardware, as well as Design and Project Management. We will be focused on providing fast and easy node provisioning for the Lightning Network Challenge.

Register today and enjoy the full weekend of learning, innovation, and more! Apply below as an attendee and hacker:

Connect with us on Discord. ⚡

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