FOSS Friday 11 at Voltage

FOSS Friday 11 at Voltage

Alyssa Hertig
Alyssa Hertig

October 7, 2022

Open source is an essential piece of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Our Bitcoin-focused team loves open-source, and we want to give back to the open-source realm. So, every other Friday, the Voltage crew spends the day working on whatever open source projects they choose, as our CEO Graham explained in an earlier blog post.

Here’s what the crew worked on this week.

Backend engineer Alex opened a PR to the project LNsploit (a toolkit for exploiting known Lightning issues, in order to raise awareness of them to help get them fixed). His PR (which has since been merged!) implemented a routing framework for TUI, the terminal UI framework the project uses. He also worked on his open source bitcoin ansible scripts.

VP of marketing Bobby installed Alby’s “Bitcoin Lightning Publisher” plugin, which adds a paywall to Wordpress so he can accept Lightning payments from users who want to donate to him for his blog posts. Alby is a Lightning extension that allows users to make Lightning transactions in the browser. He also wrote a blog post explaining how others can install Alby to monetize their blogs as well.
Frontend engineer Brandon contributed to, an app for finding brick-and-mortar stores that accept bitcoin payments. He submitted a PR to automate linting and formatting of commits. Then he worked on customizing this lapp-template for his LNbits instance connected to his Voltage Bitcoin/Lightning node.

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